Oisoi Studio

We make virtual and mixed reality experiences for artists and creatives

Our Mission
We enrich people's lives by sparking and nurturing creativity.
Painting VR logo with brush, spray can, and paint splashesBanner of the game Wait What's That with the logo and game characters.
Awards and achievements
Belgian Game

Nominee in non-entertainment
Painting VR

Official Release
on the Meta Quest Store
April 2022
Meta Quest Pro
Launch Partner
Official partnership
European XR Award
YouTube Silver Play Button
100,000+ subscribers
Banner of the game First Touch for Meta Quest Touch Pro controllers with a stylized imagine of Mona Lisa and a painter's studio in the background.
Partners and clients
Our creative apps are just the beginning. We’re passionate about bringing together a community of artists and anyone who loves to paint and explore new ways to be creative.
Join our community on Discord or follow our social media. Find painting buddies, share your artwork, and get inspired!
#paintingvr  @itspaintingvr
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